Weebly has changed their pricing structure and what features are available per plan. The free site and "connect" site plans do not allow for audio/video files among other things, and require a Weebly banner. Before they were purchased by Square Space, I had 10 pro sites bundled together for the price of only $45 a year. Square Space eliminated that deal and now a single pro site is $144 a year. I didn't want to lose all the "bells and whistles" of my sites (such as the audio files for The Glen Road Musical and the opening videos for A Simple Kind of Fear), but I also do not necessarily want to pay $288 a year just to maintain two hobby websites.
As such, I have migrated this site over to A Simple Kind of Fear, which is on the pro site plan. If you are looking for any TRM stories or Fun Stuff, go ahead and JUMP ON OVER to the new Reluctant Monkey home page. I will leave TRM here for now, mostly for the sake of the blog, but will eventually just delete it entirely. |
Hi, there!8/27/2022: Day 2, Laugh Now Die Later of 31 More Things to Do in Sleepyside When You're Dead is posted.
8/26/2022: Hello, again. I have a goal of updating this site, but my time is very limited and I have no idea how successful I'll be. My love of Weebly has diminished since they eliminated the plan I was on for years. I was okay with an increase in price in general, but this increase was in the neighborhood of a 400% (not a typo) increase and that seemed a bit excessive. So for now, The Reluctant Monkey will be a free account with the Weebly banner. I may go ahead and upgrade to a paid site in the future; if I do, I will migrate A Simple Kind of Fear over here, but that will be quite a chore to accomplish. I think Trixie Keepers will just be left alone, an archive from a different era, as it were. 1. If you are a strict traditionalist, The Mystery of the Mardi Gras Mask is for you. It's as true-to-the-original books as I could get it. It's rated K.
2. The Mystery Off Glen Road - The Musical is safe for everyone, though you do need to approach it with the thought that it's okay to poke gentle fun at the books. It's also rated K. 3. The Cold Lake Murders is a work currently in progress. It is definitely non-traditional and pairings-wise, focuses on Trixie and Regan, though mostly in friendship with hints of something more. It's rated T for content and language. 4. 31 Things to Do in Sleepyside When You're Dead is a PG-13, Dan and Trixie supernatural book-length story. It gives canon only a passing glance when convenient and often indulges in "dark" humor. Ghosts. Witches. Snark. It's here. The sequel, 31 More Things to Do in Sleepyside When You're Dead, is a work in progress. 5. If you want to go way off the rails, there's A Simple Kind of Fear. It is rated M and you will need to follow the instructions on the main page for obtaining the password. I cannot overstate how important it is to understand that ASKOF is non-traditional, canon-ignoring, soap-operatic craziness. And there's no "hinting" in this one. Trixie and Regan are very much together. Because of this, I gave ASKOF its own website. (Well, that and because ASKOF is and always has been a rather over-the-top production.) ASKOF is a work in progress. 6. The Stand Alones are just what they appear. Random short stories from no particular universe. Because if it wasn't already apparent that I am all over the place in my stories in terms of style and content, I thought I'd throw this in the mix, too. |