The Mystery of the Mardi Gras Mask
This is absolutely a golly, gee traditional Trixie Belden story. Trixie even says, "Gleeps!" - a word I simply despise with every fiber of my being. :) This was originally written for the founder of Jixemitri, and is still dedicated to her. So, yes, this means it's a genuine Jim & Trixie story. Like the original books, there are just the tiniest hints of romance, sprinkled in with all the mystery and fun. And food. There's an awful lot of food referenced here. I think it's safe to say that when the Bob-Whites returned to New York after their New Orleans adventures, they'd all gained about 5 pounds each. The Mystery of the Mardi Gras Mask (in PDF form for online reading or downloading) Alternate ePUB file for eReaders such the the Nook. Word Count: 36,086
A haunted plantation just outside New Orleans can only mean one thing for the vacationing Bob-Whites - another mystery to solve.