The Stand Alones
Sometimes? A story just kinda pops in your head and won't go away until you write it all down.
Let Go: A story for Halloween 2013. PG, with one mildly suggestive line. Safe for traditionalists, but warning - character death. Word Count: 1682.
Raven's Hollow: A Trixie & Dan story for a JixeWriMo 2014 Word Prompt ("minute"). T for language. Word Count: 20,311.
Dan's Decision: A snippet from a March 2014 Word Prompt ("food"). K and safe for traditionalists. Word Count: 508.
I Don't Belong Here: Rated PG. Snagged from the Wayback Machine. One of the first stories I ever wrote. Word Count: 902. (Not counting lyrics & book quotes)
Peace: Rated G. Another very old story brought back to life courtesy of the Wayback Machine. Word Count: 514 (Not counting lyrics)
Mr. Lytell Gets Even: Rated G. Originally Written for Eric's Sarah Sligo Ghost Story Challege. Word Count: 4686.
Raven's Hollow: A Trixie & Dan story for a JixeWriMo 2014 Word Prompt ("minute"). T for language. Word Count: 20,311.
Dan's Decision: A snippet from a March 2014 Word Prompt ("food"). K and safe for traditionalists. Word Count: 508.
I Don't Belong Here: Rated PG. Snagged from the Wayback Machine. One of the first stories I ever wrote. Word Count: 902. (Not counting lyrics & book quotes)
Peace: Rated G. Another very old story brought back to life courtesy of the Wayback Machine. Word Count: 514 (Not counting lyrics)
Mr. Lytell Gets Even: Rated G. Originally Written for Eric's Sarah Sligo Ghost Story Challege. Word Count: 4686.