It crossed my mind today to wonder: Does anyone actually write fanfic any more? I don't just mean Trixie stories, but any fanfiction at all? I never seem to hear anything about it. Though, in some ways, I feel like it went mainstream in the form of series "reboots." I watched a few episodes of the Nancy Drew series on CW and I watched both seasons of the Hardy Boys on HULU and it feels very much like they simply filmed someone's fanfiction. Heck, the Star Wars sequels felt very much like they were based on fanfic. I remember there was a period when Amazon was supposed to allow people to sell some forms of fanfic, but I don't know if that ever really happened or how successful it was. I dunno. Maybe it's still going strong somewhere, but I just don't seem to hear/read about it like I did fifteen or twenty years ago.