I "googled" Trixie Belden last night, because I wanted to confirm something from one of the wonderful sites with all the book info (I don't always stick to canon, obviously, but I try to when it doesn't interfere with whatever weirdness I'm writing) and I couldn't remember the URL/title of the site. Hello, Trixie Belden Tidbits! Thank you for still being around! I can't believe I forgot your name.
Anyway, just like I used to go to YouTube and get sucked in for hours watching things like Honest Trailers, I found myself jumping around all sorts of Trixie-related sites and forums and then I landed on something that I won't be linking to here, but suffice it to say, it was a community set up to anonymously make fun of a large portion of the Trixie fandom - publicly. No, seriously. All the posts were behind an "anon" mask - or some other word/letters to indicate first poster, second poster, and so on; for real - there was an entire list of words and acronyms to use - but the whole shebang is publicly available to read. To read, mind you, but not to comment on yourself if you aren't a member. Eh? If you're going to be cattier than the characters of Mean Girls, either a) do it in a private setting that is not open to anyone who stumbles across it or b) own up to it and put your name and give people a chance to respond to your "criticism."
At one point there was even a discussion about what would happen if they were found and someone suggested that they'd be called cowards. Two others discussed how they'd considered posting to other Trixie forums to call attention to themselves and that they'd probably enjoy the drama that would ensue. That was as close to any self-awareness that I could see, though it didn't exactly own up to the fact that, Yes. Posting digs like this anonymously on an open forum is actually a cowardly thing to do, dears. I'm never going to be the person who says you can't say what you want, because that would make me a huge hypocrite. The truth is, words only hurt if you make the choice to let them hurt you, and I believe people should be as honest as possible. What I'm getting at, though, is if you can't put your name to it? Then probably you shouldn't say it at all. Along with being honest, you should also be grown-up enough to stand behind what you have to say.
Anyway, just like I used to go to YouTube and get sucked in for hours watching things like Honest Trailers, I found myself jumping around all sorts of Trixie-related sites and forums and then I landed on something that I won't be linking to here, but suffice it to say, it was a community set up to anonymously make fun of a large portion of the Trixie fandom - publicly. No, seriously. All the posts were behind an "anon" mask - or some other word/letters to indicate first poster, second poster, and so on; for real - there was an entire list of words and acronyms to use - but the whole shebang is publicly available to read. To read, mind you, but not to comment on yourself if you aren't a member. Eh? If you're going to be cattier than the characters of Mean Girls, either a) do it in a private setting that is not open to anyone who stumbles across it or b) own up to it and put your name and give people a chance to respond to your "criticism."
At one point there was even a discussion about what would happen if they were found and someone suggested that they'd be called cowards. Two others discussed how they'd considered posting to other Trixie forums to call attention to themselves and that they'd probably enjoy the drama that would ensue. That was as close to any self-awareness that I could see, though it didn't exactly own up to the fact that, Yes. Posting digs like this anonymously on an open forum is actually a cowardly thing to do, dears. I'm never going to be the person who says you can't say what you want, because that would make me a huge hypocrite. The truth is, words only hurt if you make the choice to let them hurt you, and I believe people should be as honest as possible. What I'm getting at, though, is if you can't put your name to it? Then probably you shouldn't say it at all. Along with being honest, you should also be grown-up enough to stand behind what you have to say.
I dunno. Thanks to my inability to get any internet service in my home for over a year, I've been out-of-the-loop again, and this is probably old news to everyone. It looks like the hate-fest flamed out about 6 months ago, anyway. Really, I'm only even mentioning it because of this:
"Why the [expletive deleted] are they still using personal fanfic websites in the first place? That went out of practice well before 2005."
"They are living in a timewarp, obviously. The fact that they all have 90s websites that were created post-2000 is conclusive proof."
Just about everything I read on this forum had me laughing out loud. Not because these girls (Women? Boys/men?) were particularly funny, but rather because of how earnestly pretentious they were in so many of their comments. I felt like I'd blundered into a group of college freshmen in a Sociology 101 course eagerly showing off how educated they are while dropping terms like "heteronormativity."
But the above quotes especially had me giggling. So... if any of you anony-mice find this? I want you to know that the silly flashing blinkie (circa 1999 or so) I've added over there above the archives link? Is just for you! If I could dig up any more of my old graphics/pics/webpages, I'd post 'em here, too. Meanwhile, feel free to actually come on my blog here (or over at ASKOF) and trash me, my stories, and my "90s websites" all you like. I only delete spam. Your comments will be left for anyone to find, even if you choose to post anonymously. I am promising right now that I will make absolutely no attempt to determine your identity.
So, if you want to be one of the cool kids and make fun of someone (with an audience, but without letting anyone know who you are), I invite you to make that someone me. I would say I'm too old to care, but for anyone who has known me since the 90s can tell you, I've never cared. That might not make me a fun target, but at least it would give you someone to smugly deride, without hurting the feelings of anyone who does care and doesn't deserve it. Consider it a win-win! You get to indulge in your bestest, b*tchiest Mean Girl and I get to laugh at your insults!
I'll even start you out: OMG! Monkey writes dreadful smut and her "plots" are incomprehensible and what is with all the crap on her ASKOF site? Soundtracks? Who is she kidding? And that whole "television show" meme is like sooo 90s! But what can we expect from some middle-aged mom who probably doesn't know how to navigate An Archive of Our Own or use tumblr?
If you're feeling especially prolific, I'll even create a place here for you to deconstruct, tear-apart, flame-to-your-heart's-content, any and every story I have ever written. I will post your "critiques" for anyone to find and read. (Though, to be clear - I write what I write because it amuses me, makes me happy, and is fun for me. While I applaud those who take writing fanfiction seriously and work to improve their skills, I am definitely not one of those people. You can send me any critique you want to show off your utter brilliance and superior writing talents, but I'm not actually going to change anything about my stories - written or to-be-written - because of it. My stories are open for anyone to read, if they like, ASKOF having an age restriction, but I'm just not interested in anyone telling me what would make my stories so much better. I don't care at all what that says about my ego, either. Really, if that's your thing, then write it yourself. You can take anything I've done and re-write/change/add on to it in any way you feel would be an improvement.)
One last thought - To the anonymous person who said: "I think most people seriously overestimate their ability to critique anything." Yes. 1000x Yes.
"Why the [expletive deleted] are they still using personal fanfic websites in the first place? That went out of practice well before 2005."
"They are living in a timewarp, obviously. The fact that they all have 90s websites that were created post-2000 is conclusive proof."
Just about everything I read on this forum had me laughing out loud. Not because these girls (Women? Boys/men?) were particularly funny, but rather because of how earnestly pretentious they were in so many of their comments. I felt like I'd blundered into a group of college freshmen in a Sociology 101 course eagerly showing off how educated they are while dropping terms like "heteronormativity."
But the above quotes especially had me giggling. So... if any of you anony-mice find this? I want you to know that the silly flashing blinkie (circa 1999 or so) I've added over there above the archives link? Is just for you! If I could dig up any more of my old graphics/pics/webpages, I'd post 'em here, too. Meanwhile, feel free to actually come on my blog here (or over at ASKOF) and trash me, my stories, and my "90s websites" all you like. I only delete spam. Your comments will be left for anyone to find, even if you choose to post anonymously. I am promising right now that I will make absolutely no attempt to determine your identity.
So, if you want to be one of the cool kids and make fun of someone (with an audience, but without letting anyone know who you are), I invite you to make that someone me. I would say I'm too old to care, but for anyone who has known me since the 90s can tell you, I've never cared. That might not make me a fun target, but at least it would give you someone to smugly deride, without hurting the feelings of anyone who does care and doesn't deserve it. Consider it a win-win! You get to indulge in your bestest, b*tchiest Mean Girl and I get to laugh at your insults!
I'll even start you out: OMG! Monkey writes dreadful smut and her "plots" are incomprehensible and what is with all the crap on her ASKOF site? Soundtracks? Who is she kidding? And that whole "television show" meme is like sooo 90s! But what can we expect from some middle-aged mom who probably doesn't know how to navigate An Archive of Our Own or use tumblr?
If you're feeling especially prolific, I'll even create a place here for you to deconstruct, tear-apart, flame-to-your-heart's-content, any and every story I have ever written. I will post your "critiques" for anyone to find and read. (Though, to be clear - I write what I write because it amuses me, makes me happy, and is fun for me. While I applaud those who take writing fanfiction seriously and work to improve their skills, I am definitely not one of those people. You can send me any critique you want to show off your utter brilliance and superior writing talents, but I'm not actually going to change anything about my stories - written or to-be-written - because of it. My stories are open for anyone to read, if they like, ASKOF having an age restriction, but I'm just not interested in anyone telling me what would make my stories so much better. I don't care at all what that says about my ego, either. Really, if that's your thing, then write it yourself. You can take anything I've done and re-write/change/add on to it in any way you feel would be an improvement.)
One last thought - To the anonymous person who said: "I think most people seriously overestimate their ability to critique anything." Yes. 1000x Yes.